Sunday, October 18, 2015

Blog Updates

Hello there, just wanted to let you all know that I've made a few updates to my blog architecture in the past week or so!

If you haven't yet noticed, I've added a "Blog Archives" page, which has links to every single post that I've made! I have to update it manually, so the most recent post or two might not be added immediately!

I've also added a link to a more interactive map on the "Track My Travels" page. The linked map is essentially the same, but it has all my labels and descriptions on it!

Lastly, I've just added a "Gallery" page, which holds an extensive collection of photos from my life abroad (many of which weren't taken by me!). Many of the photos aren't posted on any of my other social media accounts, so get your fill of living vicariously through me and tracking my movements on this page.

Happy reading!


  1. wow! what an impressive CS student she is!

    clicked thru your photos we're missing you loads T-T but v happy you're Adventuring x

    1. Thanks! And to think, I almost passed the final exam (what is a function...who knows...?)

      Missing you as well, keeping busy serves the dual purpose of fun/experiences and keeping homesickness at bay
